Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Sneak Peak

I started this feature right before my hiatus, so this is only the second sneak peak. But I'm already getting stingy about my sneak peaks even. ha! Every time I think of something to let you peak at I change my mind... cause I just keep getting more and more protective of my little wedding plans. When I started this blog, that thought didn't even cross my mind {that I would want to keep the details a secret}, but the closer it gets the more important it seems to me. Weird. I mean, I guess it makes sense, but it surprises me that I feel this way. Sooo the sneak peaks from here on out might get pretty lame, just to warn you. Or this feature might just not last very long! ha We'll see.

Sneak peak numero dos...

I'm pretty sure I found one of our wedding songs-- the unity candle song to be exact. Yay! It's been so difficult for me to come up with music for some reason. I just can't make up my mind! And I just really don't like all the typical, cheesy {in my opinion} wedding music. So I've been trying to find music that is meaningful and wedding-y that still sounds like stuff Derek and I might listen to in real life. Ya know?? Ugh so many decisions! Cant wait for this wedding planning to be over and the marriage living to begin.

Anyway... I think I'm starting to narrow the selection down and it makes me happy. I recently discovered this cute little husband and wife duo and I'm in love!! I could listen to them all day long. This isn't the song I think I'll use, but here's a listen at one of their other tunes...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

recent happenings

I tried on MY wedding dress last night!! Not a store sample, not a dress that countless other girls might try on, MY dress! Sooo exciting!! I can't wait to wear it for real.

I also finally found my wedding shoes! They're so pretty. I was starting to get antsy cause I wasn't finding anything close to what I wanted {online} and then I walked into the Dillard's shoe department and found them almost instantly. Thank you Dillard's! And they were on sale. Yes please!

I couldn't get a great pic with my phone camera and my real camera is currently MIA {not the artist}, so I found a picture online... it's not the best pic, but you can kinda see the color at least. It's a really pretty blueish/greenish/grayish color. I love it!!
I personally think they're prettier in person, but you get the idea.

In other news, tonight I treated myself to the best Chinese this side of China... Hot and Spicy from Oriental Inn. Nothin beats it folks! If you're anywhere near Southwest Mo you've gotta check it out. Mr.Lee doesn't mess around!
Seriously makes my mouth water just looking at it! mmmmm

Happy evening! :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Guess what?!

We got our engagement pictures back!! Yay yay yay! Have a looksy at a few of my favs...
 ok, maybe more than a few! :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Annnd I'm back! {+ A Good Wife}

Hi hi! After my 2 week hiatus I have decided to come back to the blogging world {or should I say try to come back?!}  What is the reason for my absence you ask?? Well.... I don't have one. ha I just haven't been feeling it, so I haven't blogged. I also have been much busier lately, so I haven't had all the extra free time I was starting to get used to. I got a semi-permanent subbing job, so I'm kind of like a normal person again! lol  As much as I enjoy a vacation, I really need to work. I just get so bored and mopey when I don't. Plus, even though I had so many good ideas for crafts and projects while I wasn't working, I still couldn't do them... cause I was broke!! It's a catch 22 I suppose.

Anyway, on to regular Sunday business: A Good Wife...

"She looks over a field and buys it, then, with money she's put aside, plants a garden." Proverbs 31:16 The Message
There are 2 aspects about this verse that I hope to bring to our marriage: money smarts and gardening. I shared with you before that I had read one of Dave Ramsey's books and I am all about trying to follow his principles {now I just have to get Derek on board}! For some reason, I kind of enjoy budgeting, something about the organization and planning process makes me feel large and in charge! Ok, maybe not so dramatic, but it does give me a sense of control, makes me feel like I have money and I know where it's going. Ya know?! So I definitely hope to contribute sound financial decisions {or opinions} to our relationship.

I also would loooove to become garden savvy!! I love love love fresh veggies in the summer and I really hope to have a nice big garden one day, but until I have a yard of my own I'm gonna practice on a smaller scale. I'm planning on growing the majority of the flowers for our wedding {tons of wildflowers} and I hope to start an herb garden when I move to Kansas. Derek and I have already been looking for some cute little planters that we can straddle on his balcony for pretty flowers, herbs, and maybe some tomato or strawberry plants if we can squeeze them in. So far I have pretty much zero experience with growing things {my dad grows a small garden every now and then and my mom has been known to kill silk flowers-- kidding mom ;), so I haven't been exposed to it much}but I really, really want to. So we'll see... I have a lot of good intentions.

How cute are these?? Surely it's not that hard.



Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Good Wife...

You might have noticed I skipped last week's Sunday post. {or, you might not have.} I was busy being a good fiance, spending time with my man. We spent the afternoon with his brother and sister-in-law and also found Derek's wedding suit!! Fun times. It seems like there are more and more details coming together now. So exciting! :) Anyway, on to this week's verse...
"She is up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day." Proverbs 31:15 (The Message)
Uhhhhh. Yeah. Not gonna lie, I'm anything but a morning person. I'm pretty sure it's best just not to even talk to me before 10 am. 8 am on a good day. ha!  I'll definitely have to work on this one. I would love to be that wife/mom that has breakfast cooking and cute little sack lunches packed, complete with a sweet little love note, but.... I just don't know if I see that in my future. Maybe one day if I get to be a stay at home mommy I can do that. And then I'll just take a quick little nap after everyone else is off to school/work.

But who am I kidding... by that point in my life I'll probably be used to the exhaustion of being up all night with babies and toddlers, that I won't even bother with a nap.

Sorry Derek, you might have to wait awhile for this verse to kick in. It's gonna take some hardcore motivation!

Maybe if I had a cute little alarm clock like this one {from Urban Outfitters}  :)
but who am I kidding?? probably not.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Sneak Peak

I thought I would start a Friday feature... I have been wanting to share some of my projects/ decorations for the wedding, but I also don't want to give everything away before the wedding. Where's the fun in that, right?! Soooo. Here's my solution: on Fridays I will post a picture that gives a glimpse of something I've been working on, bought, made, etc. But I wont show the full thing. Get it? Sneak Peak?  :)

Anyway, without further adieu, sneak peak numero uno...

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Recent Reads

One thing I am enjoying about being a college graduate is the ability to do some recreational reading. Don't get me wrong, I very very rarely {I can't emphasize how rarely} read a college textbook. I'm just not that hardcore of a student. But I also rarely read books for fun in college. Partly cause I had no time, partly because I could think of better things to do with my free time, and partly because it made me feel just a little bit guilty {you know, reading a love story when I should be reading about textile science, or educational psych, or some other boring topic.}

But. Now that I have an overabundance of time and no reason to feel guilty reading for pleasure, I've started reading more and more. I've even bought a few books lately {I'm usually a regular library patron.}

Wanna know what I've been sinking my brain into?? Don't judge...

Ok, I do realize these could all be considered "self-help" books, but I must admit... I'm a junky. I love fiction, but sometimes I just need substance and meaning. Something that will actually have an impact on my life when I put the book back on the shelf, ya know?? 

Anyway, I'm also a sucker for relationship books. They just interest me. Gender roles and differences, how men and women relate to each other, how to communicate more effectively. I just find it all kind of fascinating. I think the one textbook I gladly read in college was in my Relationship Management class. Call me a dweeb, but I love that stuff! I also especially like it now that it has a bit more meaning. You know, cause I'm getting married!!! :)

And the Dave Ramsey book was also inspired by the upcoming nuptials. And because I have been intrigued by his philosophy for awhile now. *Nerd Alert* once again, but the book is actually really inspiring. I'm only about half-way through, but I'm super excited about applying some of these principles right from the start of our marriage. I'm not saying we'll be perfect at it, or that we'll fully complete his cycle {at least maybe not right away} but it has definitely made me more aware of some of my current spending habits, and some things to watch out for once we're married. I definitely recommend it!!

Anyway, there's a peak into my geekiness. At least I didn't tell you about my secret sci-fi fascination. shhhhh. ;)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Was your weekend as short as mine??

Sooo. I haven't blogged in a bit. Mostly because there was a slightly last minute visit with my man. Yay for unexpected quality time!! He came down on Saturday and just left this afternoon. There was actually a reason for his last minute trip, but I can't tell you. It's a secret.  shhhhh. :)

It was a great weekend. Just ridiculously short as always. Sad. :(   I'll be seeing him in just about a week though. I'm making a trip to the metropolis of Garden City during Spring Break {next week}!!!

I also spent some much needed quality time with my bff before Derek got here on Saturday. Sushi and thrifting, what could be better?? If you wanna see pictures of our impromptu photo shoot you should check Anna's blog. Fun times. Always

Here's some things I picked up on Saturday. And by picked up I mean purchased.
A few frames {that will "frame" the centerpieces}, some embroidery hoops, a milk glass vase, super cool mirror {that will probably become a chalkboard-- the actual mirror is kinda messed up}, and a mustard yellow suitcase that I just couldn't pass up. :)  I also got a super cute, light blue jacket.

Here's a question though... how do you feel about a "honeymoon fund" at the wedding?? Anna had an idea to make some sort of cute display with the suitcase and a mason jar that said something about helping with the honeymoon. I've known people who have had a "dollar dance" or "money tree" but I can never really decide how I feel about blatantly asking for people's change! Care to contribute your two cents, eh, I mean, thoughts?? ha

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I. am. exhausted.  I have been a busy, busy girl! Remember when I said I needed a job?? Well... technically I have a job. Two of them actually. I just haven't been working much lately cause they're both "as needed" type jobs {subbing and working at a girls shelter}and I hadn't been called much. Until last week that is.

I went from working like get the idea.  To working EIGHTY-SIX hours since last Monday. Yes 86. And I'm subbing another half day tomorrow. That's what happens when you pray for hours people... you. get. hours.  A lot of hours apparently. Needless to say... I've stopped praying for hours lately!!  :)

Anyway... I say all that to say... sorry for the lack of excitement around here. And double sorry for the lack of pictures on my posts. But I've got TBD and I'm late for yoga... NO TIME PEOPLE! 


Here's a picture one of my students made me during center time today. Anyone care to interpret it? Not too exciting I know, but at least it's a picture post. :) I know you were beginning to doubt my blogging ability.
Oh, and if you're looking for a career that's good for your ego, try  Elementary Education! I've seriously been told I'm pretty like 50 times in the last 3 days. Kids are sweet! Sometimes.

Hope you have a lovely evening! I'll be watching Grey's Anatomy. Cause I'm finally caught up!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Baby Steps

Ok. Here's the deal... I kinda need to diet. You know, so I feel my absolute best on my wedding day {and night ;)} Did I just say that?! Anyway...

I don't really know how to diet. :/ I've never really had to, so I don't know where to start. It's not like I need to drop 50 pounds, but 10-15 would be nice. Or even just toning up would be great. I keep telling myself that I'm gonna start working out {I even had Derek buy me an exercise video for Christmas... it's been used 1.5 times :/} but I just cant get motivated.

Soooo I decided baby steps would be best. Starting today {or kinda yesterday} I'm saying good bye to my beloved Dr. Pepper-- and all his friends for that matter. No more soda for me! Yikes!! I've done it before, but it only lasted for about a month. And I have 5 months till the wedding... this could be tough. 

I'm still trying to decide where I stand with sweet tea and coffee {my other vices}. I think I'll go insane if I give up all 3, so I'm thinking maybe a weekly limit or something. But the jury's still out.

I definitely don't like this part of wedding planning, but I saw a picture of me the other day that was taken a few weeks ago. And my face has gotten a little round! ha {let's not talk about the tummy!!} So I guess it's necessary.

Like I said, this is definitely a baby step, but at least I'm trying. Does any one have any great {and practical!!} weight loss tips??

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Good Wife...

"She's like a trading ship that sails to far away places and brings back exotic surprises." Proverbs 31:14 (The Message)
I think this week's verse is kinda funny. I mean, I'm sure there could be a deeper meaning in this verse, but even my NIV version says something about bringing food from afar. The reason I think this verse is so funny is because it's pretty accurate in our relationship. Derek is such a picky eater. And I love trying new foods. It's kind of ridiculous how opposite we are when it comes to food. I must say, he is a pretty good sport most of the time, and indulges me when I want to try something new, but I know cooking for him won't always be the easiest task. When we first started dating Derek pretty much ate chicken strips and cheeseburgers. all. the. time. He definitely hasn't changed his personal preferences, but since we've been together he's tried: Japanese, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, and Afghan, not to mention a wide array of chocolates from Russia and Europe {we like to splurge on fancy chocolate occasionally! :)}

Let's just say, I do my best to introduce him to the exotic... I'm just not sure how much it's appreciated.

Speaking of exotic foods... have you ever tried Ethiopian food??  I had in when I was in Tanzania. It's definitely different, but now that its on my mind I'm kind of craving it...

Happy Sunday folks! Try to add some exotic to your life this week!  :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I mentioned before that I found an ah-mazing place to have our wedding. But did I mention that we are also going to have the reception at the same place? AND that we don't have to pay for any of it?? Crazy, right?! A super nice family that goes to our church is letting us use their property for the wedding. I love it!! It is totally what I had in mind, but I didn't think I'd ever find what I was looking for in our area. Or in our budget!! Of course, we will have some extra rental expenses that we might not have had at a more traditional venue, but it's still such a great deal! Have I mentioned how much I love this place?? Cause I do. I love it!!  :)

The pictures don't do it justice, but take a look:
This is where we'll say "I do"  It feels so romantic to me, I love it!  I can't decide if we'll stay on the steps or stand on the porch. It'll probably depend on how hot it is. ha

And this is where we'll have the reception (which happens to be the opposite side of the building where we're getting married. cool, huh?) . It was originally where the ceremony was going to be, but I changed my mind. The food will be inside that building, but the tables will be outside. Lets hope it's not too hot!!
This cute little cabin is where the ladies will be getting ready. We might even stay here the night before. The inside's adorable too!
Here's a view of the building from the cabin I just showed you.
Just in case! ;)

This is the actual home of the family who is being so generous. I think it's lovely! And it's filled with the neatest antiques. They're a couple after my own heart.

Anywho... I was just daydreaming about July 23 and I thought I'd share a part of the magic with you. It just can't come soon enough!!

Oh, and if you hadn't noticed, July 23 is exactly 5 months away. That's right, FIVE MONTHS. I'll be Mrs. Thompson and on my way to Toronto before ya know it!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mad Skillzzz

Once upon a time, Derek bought a chair for $15. It was a lovely chair, but it was also dingy, and dirty, and smelly, and gross. So Derek asked his awesome {then girlfriend} to work her magic on said chair. This is what happened...
This is the chair. Not too shabby, you might say. But boy was it dirty!! It needed a face lift. And maybe a tummy tuck.
This is what happened to the chair after I got a hold of it. I won't show you what happened to my hands. Reupholstering is hard work!! Ouch.
Home Sweet Home. In about 5 months at least. :) It still needs some work, but I'll take care of that when it's really mine. ha

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Good Wife...

"She shops around for the best yarns and cottons, and enjoys knitting and sewing." Proverbs 31:13 (The Message)
Hey guys! You probably forgot, but it's week 3 of my Proverbs 31 project. And I like this week's verse! :)

I don't partake in sewing as much as I'd like, but I do enjoy it quite a bit. Something about the hum of the machine puts me at peace I think. It can be kind of relaxing really, especially if it's something I'm just working on for fun. I'll admit, the actual cutting and piecing can be kind of stressful {I'm a Type B perfectionist... who knew that was possible?!} but the sewing its self almost always calms me back down. I've also tried my hand at knitting a time or two, but crocheting is usually my yarn-craft of choice. At least for now. I think I just know more people who crochet so I have more experience with it. And more people to help me if I get stuck.

I don't think I'll have a problem fulfilling this "good-wife"ly duty. Especially down the road {you know, in 20 years or so ;)} when a baby might be on the way. I always find the cutest sewing projects for babies... dresses, toys, nursery things, you name it. But for now I'll just stick with clothes and homey decorations, how's that sound? Excellent?? I think so too! :)

Here's some recent things I've done...

This is the scarf I made for Ender, Derek's Scottie. {Derek thought he needed a scarf :)}

I know, I know. You've already seen this. But I really like it! haha
Sorry for the poor photo quality. This is a before and after I did. It's kinda hard to tell, but this was a big, boxy, ugly DAV shirt. I slimmed it down and made it a v-neck. Cause I liked the polka dots! :)
Again, I know this is a horrible picture. Sorry. I actually made a couple cuter aprons, but I forgot to take pictures. And they were gifts. So sad.  I love aprons!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today's just one of those days...

You know, when you don't feel like blogging. I'm determined to make it a habit though. So I will blog. You're welcome.  :)

I decided to just show some of the little projects I've worked on lately. and I do mean little.

These are some fabric flowers I've made lately. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with the bottom row. I just make them when I'm bored. I might use them as confetti on some of the tables at the wedding and then make them into headbands and rings and stuff later. We'll see.  The top row is a different story... I have 200 of those cute little guys. Yes, TWO HUNDRED. A couple of my cousins helped me make them. They're going to go on the wedding invitations. eventually.

This my friends, is a quilt square. Cute right?! I love it! I just made it out of some scraps I had. I'm wanting to make it into a pillow or something, but I can't decide if I actually want to quilt it or not. I've seen some really cute ideas of how I could quilt it, but I'm scared I'll mess it up! I actually made it several weeks ago... and I still can't decide what to do! ha

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Well folks, it's official!

I must say, it's not as pretty as I expected, but I guess it'll do the trick. 
I feel like I should celebrate or something. Too bad I'm dirt poor and can't afford to celebrate. I NEED A JOB!!!

Wanna know a secret??

My name is Jamie and I am a shoe-aholic.

THERE. I said it!  

Wooo feeling a little better now. Admittance is the first step, right?!

Anyway. I thought I'd share a little bit of my obsession with you today. Considering I've gotten 3 new pairs of shoes in... oh, about 4 days. Yeah.

I told you about my new green shoes the other day. So cute. I got these on the same day... same day, different DAV.
I LOVE them!!! Best $3 I ever spent! Ever.

These are new too. They were a Valentine's gift from my man. He knows my heart! :) And they're from Sears. Who knew, right?! Sears is one of the few stores in the Garden City "mall" so we usually browse around for good measure. I saw these and fell in love when I was visiting around Christmas.

Here's some more of my recent favs. I can't wait for bright summer wedges, though!! I almost got a pair of yellow wedges at the DAV the other day, but settled on the green shoes instead.

So... now that you have an understanding of my shameless obsession, imagine my apprehension to find the perfect wedding shoes!! I'm anxiously holding my breath and crossing my fingers that the new spring lines will have just what I've been looking for. I really want some light blue, kitten heel or wedge, vintage inspired beauties. 

and, look what I found...
Perfect, right?! So imagine my disappointment when I realized they were so completely out of my price range. My heart cried a little. I mean, I love shoes, but they usually come from thrift stores or Forever 21 or Target or something. Oh, BHLDN, why must you haunt me so?
Don't you worry though, I will find a cheaper, just-as-cute alternative before July 23. I hope.

Oh, and in case you were wondering... Hot Yoga is intense!! They don't mess around.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How was my weekend, you ask?

Fabulous, just fabulous!

As I mentioned before, Derek and I spent our Saturday-Monday in Wichita {our long-distance-relationship-halfway-meeting-point} Yeah. We got to take a long weekend cause Derek gets a day off in celebration of his birthday {nice, huh?!} So he used it yesterday instead of last Wednesday. Since we've been engaged these short little weekend trips seem to go by even faster... cause we actually have things we need to accomplish. Unfortunately we only accomplished 1/3 of those things. grrr. I'm blaming the hotel's poor wifi connectivity. Geez people, this is 2011, get better wifi!!

We had a good trip though, just not a productive one. Some of our friends from OK came up and met us, which was fun.We also had lunch with some of my family {and I got to hold a cute little baby. Gotta love babies!}We also stopped by this great little donut shop Sunday morning.We discovered it on our last trip and it immediately became a must-do for anytime we're in town. It's so cute and it has a ton of crazy flavors!! Some of them don't even really sound good, but if you're like me you just have to try them anyway! haha Curiosity killed the cat and whatever. 

Isn't it cute?? The rooster was the first thing we noticed as we were driving around downtown one night. It's more of like a coffee lounge than a donut shop... late hours, sweet hang out, that sort of thing.

Our Sunday breakfast... my donuts were Cherry Citrus {SOOO good!} and Caramel Cheesecake. Derek got Orange Cream and Maple Bacon, that's right, BACON. On a donut. {Ok, I kinda made him try it. Cause he really likes bacon} And to drink: Earl Grey for me and an old fashioned soda for Derek. And if you're wondering, yes I did make that awesome snuggie. :)
Here are just a few of the cute features that you can expect at the Donut Whole... unique tables, random artwork, and a ton of cute vintage pieces.
Seriously folks, if you guys are ever in the Wichita area, this place is legit! I mean, I don't even really like cake donuts {which is all they serve} and I can't get enough. And who doesn't wanna try crazy donut flavors?! So fun! I was this close to getting Buttered Popcorn {topped with popcorn, not sprinkles.} If they have it next time, it's mine.

Oh, ps... I think I'm gonna try hot yoga tonight!! :) This should be interesting for a few reasons...
      1. I've never tried yoga. Well, seriously at least
      2. I sweat like a man. It's gross!                                                            
      3. I'm going with someone who makes me laugh. A lot. I don't think you're supposed to laugh during yoga. :/

Monday, February 14, 2011

14 Reasons Why I LOVE This Guy...

1. I probably laugh (realistically) 80% of the time we're together... that's a lot of laughing!

2. I'm pretty sure he complements me the most on the days I feel miserable and gross. (why do I even try to look good??)

3. He is super encouraging. I mean, annoyingly encouraging... those times when I just wanna give up on something or switch gears to something easier, he always makes me feel like I can do it if I just keep trying. I guess that's a good thing... ha

4. He loves that I love being crafty! I think I'm more crafty when I'm with him cause he gets all impressed and stuff when I make things. (see where the encouragement's coming in??)

5. He likes watching HGTV. Probably more than I do.

6. Although I give him a hard time about being such a picky eater, he really does try new things for me. Sometimes. He even took me to an Afghan restaurant when we were in Colorado Springs last summer!

7. Being with him makes me want to be a better person. I'm not just saying that either, it really does!

8. He likes to buy me things... so much that sometimes I have to tell him not to buy things. What a problem, right?!

9. I don't think he knows it yet, but he's gonna be such a great dad one day!! He hasn't been around kids much in his 24 years, but he already has my little cousin wrapped around his finger. So cute!

10. I feel more like myself when I'm with him than when we're apart.

11. We tend to think alike. It's kind of scary actually... ask anyone who's played Cranium with us! :)

12. He calls me "My Lady." It started out as a joke cause we had a waitress at IHOP that called me that once. But I think it's kind of cute. You know, in a Renaissance fair kind of way.

13. He gives the best hugs EVER. They melt away my stress 99% of the time.

14. I get to spend the rest of my life with him. And I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend it with!

Have a great V-Day friends! Hope you're spending it with someone you love! :)