Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I mentioned before that I found an ah-mazing place to have our wedding. But did I mention that we are also going to have the reception at the same place? AND that we don't have to pay for any of it?? Crazy, right?! A super nice family that goes to our church is letting us use their property for the wedding. I love it!! It is totally what I had in mind, but I didn't think I'd ever find what I was looking for in our area. Or in our budget!! Of course, we will have some extra rental expenses that we might not have had at a more traditional venue, but it's still such a great deal! Have I mentioned how much I love this place?? Cause I do. I love it!!  :)

The pictures don't do it justice, but take a look:
This is where we'll say "I do"  It feels so romantic to me, I love it!  I can't decide if we'll stay on the steps or stand on the porch. It'll probably depend on how hot it is. ha

And this is where we'll have the reception (which happens to be the opposite side of the building where we're getting married. cool, huh?) . It was originally where the ceremony was going to be, but I changed my mind. The food will be inside that building, but the tables will be outside. Lets hope it's not too hot!!
This cute little cabin is where the ladies will be getting ready. We might even stay here the night before. The inside's adorable too!
Here's a view of the building from the cabin I just showed you.
Just in case! ;)

This is the actual home of the family who is being so generous. I think it's lovely! And it's filled with the neatest antiques. They're a couple after my own heart.

Anywho... I was just daydreaming about July 23 and I thought I'd share a part of the magic with you. It just can't come soon enough!!

Oh, and if you hadn't noticed, July 23 is exactly 5 months away. That's right, FIVE MONTHS. I'll be Mrs. Thompson and on my way to Toronto before ya know it!!


  1. Jamie - this is Bryce....the last two times we have had the "let's hope it's not too hot" wish for an outdoor July wedding, it's been about 348 degrees and 362 degrees, respectively. So that's not working....hope its hotter than a furnace! (maybe a little reverse jinx, eh?)

  2. you'll be a married lady before you know it and i'll be a MOMMA!! i am so excited for your wedding. i vote get up on the porch! ;)
